As seen on TV!
Capital Area Professional Pet Sitters (CAPPS) is a network of professional pet sitters who provide in-your-home pet sitting and dog walking in the Capital Region area of Upstate New York. Our mission is to ensure that your pets receive the highest quality care while you are away.
In-home pet care is an alternative to boarding, or imposing on the neighbors, family or friends. Your pets can remain in the comfort of their own home and maintain their own routine. You no longer have to worry about transporting your pets to and from the kennel.
Quality in-home pet care goes far beyond filling a bowl up with food. Pet sitters engage your pet with exercise & playtime, clean up “messes,” and may administer medications. Some sitters offer overnight stays in your home, daily dog walking for those people who work long hours and pet taxi if your pet needs to go to the vet or groomer. The most common animals entrusted to pet sitters are dogs, cats and fish, but some sitters are also adept in caring for birds, rodents, reptiles, horses or livestock.
In addition to giving your pets loving care, professional pet sitters will also bring in your mail and newspaper. Some offer services such as filling outdoor bird feeders, alternating lights, and watering plants, usually at no additional charge. Their goal is to provide genuine, dependable services from someone you can trust. After all, you are leaving behind two things that are very important to you – your pet and your home!
CAPPS continues to improve and grow thanks to the support and encouragement of its members. We require a minimum attendance at our monthly meetings and encourage our members to be active in their communities.
Although we have a lot in common, each business is independently owned and operated. CAPPS is not responsible for the policies or business practices of its members. Charges and service areas will vary by member.
To locate a pet sitter in your area, please click on the appropriate county under “Find a Pet Sitter”. We have members covering Albany, Columbia, Rensselaer, Saratoga and Schenectady counties.
If you can’t find the answer to your question, or if you are a pet sitter who would like to join our group, please email us at for more information.
Disclaimer: Capital Area Professional Pet Sitters (CAPPS) provides this pet sitter locator service as a courtesy to the general public and as a benefit for our members. CAPPS assumes no liability for any business practices or rates of any of its’ members. Each business is independently owned and operated. CAPPS does, however, require that all members be insured and be in business a minimum of six months prior to joining. While we strongly encourage and expect our members to provide excellent, caring, dependable and honest service that elevates the credibility of the pet sitting industry, CAPPS has no control or authority over individual member companies. We strongly encourage each client to carefully interview and check references of any prospective pet sitter.